PII Web Monitoring
Our PII Monitoring offering is an annual subscription where we will provide you alerting to any activity we detect from live fraudster and hacker activity on the web against your domain or BINs.
How It Works
Don't you want to know if bad actors are actively, and successfully, testing credentials or credit cards, and what exactly they are testing?
Step 1
How do companies use this?
Companies use this information to determine what credentials need to be investigated and to prioritize investigations into attacks. They also use it to find gaps in user credential security. Some companies use this to triage for targeted mitigation response and lastly they use it to help develop and prioritize a strategy for investment in user security.
Step 2
How Does it work?
You designate the domain(s) and or BIN(s) and we will alert you on any activity we are seeing and we will provide you with streaming access to the user credentials or cards that were detected.
Step 3
How do we get started?
It's easy, you can be up and running the same day you sign up! No messy integration work, no lengthy rollout or complex training. You will have online access to dashboards and the streaming user data for your company. API access to streaming user data is also available.